Saturday, March 18, 2017

Different Things going on

Here I thought I was staying on top of the blog, but I guess not!  I can't believe it's been 5 days since the last one!

Tuesday was a chores day.  Went into town to get some groceries, did cleaning, and prepared for hosting a street happy hour at 3:30.  Last Friday I had a brainwave, so we printed off and delivered a bunch of flyers inviting everyone on our street and the one behind us to a happy hour get-together at our place.  Some people were leaving, but enough were still around.  We weren't sure if 2 people would show up, or 42 (we were hoping not that many).  As you can see from the picture below, we had about 25-30 people, which was great!

It was another hot day, and our site is such that the RV provides some shade in the latter part of the afternoon.  As many people said, we wish we had done it sooner.  It's nice to get to know some people around us a little bit.  The last people left around 2 hours later.  Perfect!

Wednesday we decided to do something to get out of the heat for a while.  So we took another drive up to Idyllwild.  The 2 photos below are from that drive.

It's about a mile high and about 20 degrees F cooler.  It was so nice to sit outside in the sunshine and have lunch.  We were going to do a hike up there, but we had Tibby with us, thinking it would be cool enough in the truck.  But the sun was shining full strength and heated the inside up too much.  And he couldn't walk the distance we wanted to hike, so we did a little, then went back.

There's still a bit of snow up there, but only where it was piled up.  They got dumped on the same day it poured rain here (the last day John & Judy were here).

Thursday, we ran around looking for some stuff in Palm Springs, one of which was that Canadian flag.  No luck...yet.  I also had my hair done in town.  I got it cut last week, but it needed more attention.  Wow, I wish I had that hair dresser back home.  I loved the job she did.  Wish you all could have seen it - and I never thought to take a picture!

Thursday night we had a St. Patrick's day celebration in the hall.  Corned beef supper, and some shortbread cookies for dessert.

They had a guy with a ukulele singing a bunch of Irish tunes.  Fun time.

Yesterday morning we went geocaching not far from here.  After about 2 hours of traipsing around in the desert, we were absolutely exhausted.  We should have started 2 hours earlier as the heat is overwhelming.

We're keeping an eye on our hummingbirds.  We think this little guy has flown the nest.  We were looking and looking yesterday, and could only see one bird.  We were rather worried about them, but the day before, this one was flapping his a hummingbird.  He hadn't lifted off yet, but I guess it doesn't take long once they start doing that.  So the one that was left I guess was a little behind in development and was not flapping his wings at all.  The mother bird was still feeding him.  So I'll let you know what I find out, and how long he stays.

That brings us up to today.  We decided last night we were going to do the 2 flags trail.  It leaves from behind our RV park.  You can see our park here from one of the hills we had climbed.

The elevation gain was about 355 metres, so that's quite a bit of climbing to get there.  I told you we have looked and looked for a Canadian flag to replace the one that was up here.  Well, we finally found it.  On top of the hill!   Someone else had replaced it (glad I didn't spend $26 U.S. on a flag).  If we come back here next year, we'll bring a flag along.

Here you can see we made it to the top.

Glorious flags with San Jacinto in the background.  Kinda like climbing Mt. Everest ;)

Our selfie.

That took us about 2-1/2 hours with stops along the way, and a bit of a detour.  The cactus flowers are just starting to bloom.  Beautiful.

We are down to our last 6 days here at Caliente Springs, then we'll start making our way east.

1 comment:

  1. Great idea to have a neighbourhood Happy Hour! Awesome cactus blooms!
