Wednesday, March 22, 2017

The Days Are Counting Down

Since Saturday, we've been out for dinner in Palm Springs, been out geocaching 3-4 times around the desert, been biking, had visits with our neighbours, and making plans for our trip home.  And we spent some time at the pool.  We thought we should go in the middle of the day at least once.  Not bad.  This photo doesn't do justice.  You can't even see the pool.  Those are hot tubs in the foreground (4 of them, I believe).  Each one gets hotter as you go toward the clubhouse.  The pool has 3 main areas and the warmest one is closest to the clubhouse too.

This is looking down on the street from our balcony table in Palm Springs.  We spent a bit of time there Sunday afternoon/evening.

So we pretty much know which direction we're going home.  Gerard has been doing most of the work planning that.  And we're meeting up with one of my cousins again on Friday evening as we're heading back toward Phoenix for our first couple of nights while scouting out places for part of next year.

And of course, we've been watching our hummingbird baby.  Here he/she is.  She's pretty much full-grown - but so little.  Remember this nest is only about 5 cm across (outside).  I had been a little worried about it as it didn't seem to be moving its wings much at all...until this afternoon.  I finally saw some activity.  It's been over a week since its brother/sister left the nest.  Funny how they're so different in their development.

We've had some pretty good winds again the last couple of days, but the little bird hangs on.  The mother doesn't hang out with it any more as it doesn't need to be kept warm...but she does continue to feed it.

Next blog will probably be from Arizona!

1 comment:

  1. Great pic of baby hummingbird! You seem to be having a good time. Safe travels!
