Sunday, February 12, 2017

Desert Hot Springs

Well, we finally arrived on Friday around 2 pm (Pacific time), checked in, and spent the next hour or so getting the RV set up just right.  Normally it doesn't take that long (15 minutes usually), but since we are going to be here for some time, we wanted it just right.  There were a couple of other complicating factors, but suffice it to say, we made it and got it done.

We got all the outdoor stuff out of the RV (mat, chairs, tables, BBQ, etc.).  It's nice to finally settle in for the long haul.

Yesterday (Saturday), we cleaned the RV again.  It's amazing how much dust gets blown in when travelling down the road, and we drove through areas of lots of blowing dust, especially in Texas.  We also stocked up on some food and other things.

We chatted with Frank and John as they arrived in Palm Springs the same day we arrived here.  Desert Hot Springs and Palm Springs are about 5 miles apart.  We're probably about 8 miles from one another.  So we arranged to get together tomorrow and do some stuff.

The weather was really warm when we arrived - cooler yesterday, and nice today again, but it's been pretty windy here the last couple of days.  It's supposed to calm down.  There is one rule - never leave your RV's awning out if you are going away for any length of time (an hour).  The guy next to us was telling us that another RVer across the street from us left his awning out and went away for a while.  When he came back, the awning was up over the roof of his RV on the other side.

So today we decided to check out the area a bit and do our first hike in some time.  We went to the Coachella Valley Reserve, not too far away and hiked the Pashawalla Trail.

Here's the ridge we climbed up to - doesn't look bad here..but there's lots more climbing and hiking.  Those are people up top.

Here's a look back at the mountain with Palm Springs below it.  It's about 10 miles away to the base of that mountain, at least.  I need to find out the name of the mountain.

From up on the ridge, you can see the oasis down in the valley.  Those are palm trees growing naturally where a small stream flows.

Finally reached the uppermost part of the ridge we hiked along.

This is looking down into part of the canyon we walked down on the other side.

Oops - this vehicle made it down the easy way - although it didn't end up so well.

This is part of the oasis of trees we saw from above.  Huge palm trees and a lot of them were covered or partially covered in fronds all the way down the trunks.

Just a little sight along the way.

We ended up walking about 8.7 km, a little further than we anticipated.  We were awfully thirsty when we got back.  So we took care of that - with water, of course.

We're looking forward to tomorrow.  Should be fun.

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