Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Shopping, Hiking, Happy Hour and Shopping

We do an awful lot of hiking here, which is a terrific thing!  But Thursday, we all started out shopping over at the outlet mall at Cabazon, just down Hwy I-10 west.  We bought a few things, including new hiking shoes - we need them.

On the way back, we went to Whitewater canyon and park to do some hiking.

The walls of the canyon look like they could just slip down at any moment.  Just a little frightening.

You don't see a whole lot of water around here, but there was water in WHITEWATER.  Now we know why it's named as such.

One trail took us up the mountain.  This is a look back at the whitewater wash through the canyon.  Beautiful views from here.


And a look back through the railway we were walking.  Loved it!

When we went back down, someone mentioned seeing bighorn sheep on the other side.  It took us a while with the binoculars to find them, but we did.  They look like specks here, but I'll blow it up for my photo album (whenever I get that done).

On the way back, I managed to get a picture of some of the windmills they have here in the Coachella  Valley.  There are hundreds of them.  The head of the valley is narrow and in the west, so you can imagine the wind that drives through here.  In fact, we've noticed quite a lot of wind at times.

After hiking, we went back to our respective places, had a quick shower, then went to happy hour in a restaurant in downtown Palm Springs before Villagefest.  There is parking along the streets downtown, but Villagefest happens every Thursday night, and you are warned that you must be out of there by 5 pm.  It's not just a gentle warning.  If you don't get your car out of there by that time on the dot, they'll remove it for you.  There are vendors trying to set up, and the cars interfere.  There are tow trucks just sitting there waiting.  This was taken about 5:10.  The owner is somewhere enjoying happy hour, no doubt.

We enjoyed happy hour and some nibblies.  We walked around checking out all the vendors on the street for almost 2 hours.  It's quite a large market.  Getting dinner somewhere involved a half hour wait, so we left and found something on the way home.  All in all, a great day.

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